B2B News
September 12, 2024

Reviving ABM: Smart Strategies for B2B Marketers


Account-based marketing (ABM) has been a go-to strategy in B2B Marketing for nearly a decade, yet many businesses still grapple with making it work. 

Let’s break down the most common missteps and how to fix ABM programs. Here’s what he had to say. But first… why do ABM often miss the mark?

Three main reasons why ABM efforts tend to fall flat: misaligned teams, limited resources, and murky success metrics.

1. Sales and Marketing Out of Sync

One of the biggest issues? Sales and marketing often aren’t speaking the same language. For instance, Marketing might consider a filled-out form a lead, while sales defines it as a pipeline-ready opportunity. What’s often missed is that ABM leads might have lower close rates, but they deliver higher lifetime value and stick around longer. The solution? Get sales teams to look beyond short-term gains and focus on the bigger, long-term picture.

2. Lack of Resources

Too often, ABM is handed off to someone who doesn’t have the authority—or the tools—to drive real change. Without buy-in from leadership or the right compensation structures in place, ABM efforts are destined to fall short.

3. Measuring Success

Most Marketers rely heavily on tools like marketing automation platforms (MAPs) and CRM systems. However, these tools are built around tracking individual contacts, not whole accounts. ABM requires a more nuanced approach, involving multiple decision-makers within a company. Without integrating broader data points like firmographics and first-party engagement signals, it’s tough to accurately measure ABM success.

How to Get ABM Back on Track

Many B2B Marketers may lack confidence in their ABM programs because they’re distracted by the latest shiny tech, like AI. Instead, they should focus on the basics: ensuring their processes and tools are aligned to engage the right accounts, with the right message. It’s not about having the flashiest tools; it’s about using your current resources effectively to figure out what’s working and what’s not. Only then can you plug the gaps with new tools or additional team members.

At its core, a successful ABM program doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. All you really need is:

  • A marketing automation platform (MAP),
  • A website,
  • A CRM.
Unlocking the Power of Signal Stacking

Many Marketers get caught up in scaling their ABM efforts too soon, without validating the approach first. Most companies already have access to key engagement signals, like CRM data, but they may be missing crucial information.

Some key B2B Marketing activities—LinkedIn posts, podcast appearances, speaking engagements—are harder to track with traditional tools. While these activities generate valuable signals, they often slip through the cracks in systems like CRMs.

The Takeaway

These insights emphasize that a winning ABM program hinges on getting your teams aligned, allocating the right resources, and capturing a complete view of account engagement. Success isn’t about chasing the latest trends—it’s about mastering the fundamentals and building on them for long-term growth.